Champions Of Europe
We are the champions,
Champions of Europe,
We are the champions,
Champions of Europe
Best Supporters In The Land
We're the best behaved supporters in the land,
We're the best behaved supporters in the land,
We're the best behaved supporters , best behaved supporters,
Best behaved supporters in the land, when we win,
But, we're a right set of bastards when we lose,
We're a right set of bastards when we lose,
We're a right set of bastards,
Right set of bastards
Right set of bastards , when we lose
Up the football league we go,
When we get promoted,
This is what we'll sing,
We are the champions,
We are the champions,
Blackwell is our king!
One Team In Yorkshire
One team in Yorkshire,
There's only one team in Yorkshire,
One team in Yorkshire,
There's only one team in Yorkshire
If You Hate Leeds United
If You Hate Leeds United have a go,
If you hate Leeds United have a go,
If you hate Leeds United, hate Leeds United,
Hate Leeds United, have a go
We Are Leeds
We are Leeds, We are Leeds, We are Leeds,
We are Leeds, We are Leeds, We are Lee-eeds,
We are Leeds, We are Leeds, We are Leeds,
We are Lee-eeds,
On The March
We're on the march with Wilko's army,
We're all off to Wembley,
And we don't give a fuck,
Cause we're gonna win the cup,
Cause United are the greatest football team
Pride Of Europe
We are the pride of all Europe,
The best in the North,
We hate the Man U,
and Chelsea of course
These are various songs that are sung regularly at Elland Road by the fans.
No doubt someone is responsible for the lyrics of each one but at WAFLL we don't know who? The tunes that
accompany most of these songs are popular and catchy, such as 'We All Love Leeds' is to the tune of the
Dambusters theme.